Can You Play Lacrosse In The Winter? What Should You Wear

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When the weather starts to change and the leaves start to fall, many people assume that lacrosse season is over. But this isn’t necessarily true.

You can still play lacrosse in the winter, you just need to be prepared for the colder temperatures. While lacrosse is considered a spring sport, there are many leagues and tournaments that take place during the winter months. Getting the right gear is important to playing lacrosse in the winter.

Can You Play Lacrosse In The Winter

Making sure you are dressed for the right season is really important for you to be able to have a top performance during every game! In this article, I will give you some tips on what to wear when playing lacrosse in the winter.

Can You Play Lacrosse In The Winter?

It is possible to play lacrosse in the winter even when there is some snow on the ground. However, the snowy conditions will make it tougher to perform some of the basic skills of lacrosse.

For instance, it will be more difficult to run and change directions quickly in the snow. As well, your stick might not slide as easily on the ground when there is a layer of snow.

Here I found a great clip of snow covering the entire lacrosse field during a championship game:

*By the way, I recently wrote an article about If It Is Possible To Play Lacrosse In The Rain. In this article, I break down everything you need to know about playing lacrosse in the rain so that you can have a successful game no matter what the weather is. You can check out this article here!

The cold is another huge consideration when playing lacrosse in the winter. Since the winter months have the most extreme temperatures, you need to make sure that you are dressed appropriately for the weather.

Wearing layers is always a good idea when playing in the cold.

You want to make sure that your body is well-insulated so that you don’t get too cold. A good rule of thumb is to get gear designed for playing in the cold weather.

How Do Lacrosse Players Stay Warm?

When playing in the winter, lacrosse players use compression gear and warm underlayers to stay warm. Wearing compression gear will not only help keep you warm but will also help prevent injuries. This type of gear allows your body to thoroughly heat itself to be able to function properly.

Here is some of the most highly recommended gear for playing lacrosse in the winter:

Type of GearRecommended Gear for Winter
Head WareSoft Padded Headgear Adjustable Helmet Support
Arm WareThermal Arm Warmer for Men & Women
Hand Ware (Gloves)SIMARI Winter Sports Gloves for Men & Women
Body WareUnder Armour Men’s Heat Gear Compression Long-Sleeve Shirt
Leg WareUnder Armour Men’s Heat Gear Leggings
Foot Ware (Socks)Men’s Anti-Slip Warm Socks
Foot Ware (CLeats)Men’s Burn X 3 Speed Lacrosse Cleats
You Can Find This Gear On Amazon!

They also put on multiple layers of clothing to make sure they are well-insulated. Sweatshirts and sweatpants are among the most popular items of clothing to wear.

Players also use hand warmers and foot warmers to keep their extremities from getting too cold. Latex gloves, for instance, worn under lacrosse gloves help keep fingers warm.

*By the way, I recently wrote an article about If Lacrosse Players Should Wear Protective Cups. This article talks about if lacrosse players should wear cups and breaks down the rules of wearing protective cups in lacrosse. You can check out this article here!

Does Lacrosse Get Canceled When It Snows?

Lacrosse matches do not get canceled as often as other outdoor sports when it snows. However, if the conditions are too dangerous, the match might be postponed or canceled. This all depends on the severity of the snowstorm as well as the speed at which the wind is picking up.

These days, lacrosse sticks are being designed in a way that they can be used in the snow. As well, players are wearing more layers to stay warm in the cold weather.

High-level coaches also train their players to adapt to different weather conditions. This means that even if it snows, the players will still be able to compete at a high level.

So while the winter comes with a lot of cold and snow, it is possible to play lacrosse in the snow and cold weather. Players just need to be prepared and have the right gear.

*By the way, I recently wrote an article that talks about If Lacrosse Is A Fun Sport To Play. This article breaks down if it is easy to learn lacrosse as well as how lacrosse is played. You can check out this article here!

How Cold Is Too Cold For Playing Lacrosse? 

Temperatures below 25 degrees Fahrenheit are considered too cold for playing lacrosse. At this temperature, the ball gets harder and it becomes more difficult to grip the stick. The player’s movements also become restricted as the body tries to protect itself from the cold weather.

According to

 “Training programs will be canceled if the projected temperature (including wind chill) at the start of training is projected to be below 25 degrees Fahrenheit.”

Training for lacrosse or playing lacrosse in extremely cold conditions is definitely a safety hazard for any player. That’s why, if I play lacrosse in the winter, I only play when the weather is above 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

*By the way, I recently wrote an article about What Combination Of Sports Is Lacrosse Made From. These 4 sports contributed to the creation of the lacrosse that we know today. You can check out this article here!

Final Thoughts

While you can still play lacrosse in the winter, it’s very important to stay warm. Make sure you are wearing the right gear so that you can stay warm throughout the entirety of the game!

Hopefully, this post has given you insights into why lacrosse can be played in the winter and what to wear.


Hey, my name is Denis. I am the creator of, a website dedicated for novice players of all sports to find the answers that they are looking for! I've played many different types of sports since I was 10 years old and I recently realized that there are still a lot of questions that players have when coming into a new sport. Hopefully, this website helps you get the answers that you were looking for!

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